I want Gucci Joy Medium Boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im sooooo in loveee with it!!!
i hope my plans with Sis about going HK really works
i cant wait to "help them clear stock"
i heard that branded stuff over there is way cheaper than those you bought in M'sia.
just like Mummy bought me the Coach Wristlet Bag =)) from US
so damn crazy!
that's means i have to start saving
and earning $$
but Christmas is almost here
i havent bought any present for my family
i've been worried i need to spent lots of $$
plus is almost end of the year
im gonna say bye bye to $$
> to do my hair
> buy clothes
> buy accessories
im gonna broke soon
if i dont work i couldnt get Gucci Boston
how i wish Santa give me one
i will kiss him and give him a HUGE hug
what im doing right now??
of course
i still have my head kept on reminding me to study
it's like
"Excuse me miss is 7 something already..go and study..no tv..no walking around"
i cant stand it
sometimes i just want to go to the room and study
always had the thought that tomorrow i have papers
when i go in the room then i realize i have no f papers to study
exam is OVER
so OVER!!!
since i have nothing to do
i have the feeling of wanting to see my result
ya im pretty much crazy
i wanna meet up my friends but im sooo lazy to go out
even lazy to go catch up New Moon movie
not interested anymore
just wait my Sis bought the disc then i will just watch it at home
gonna 2012 on weekends
yea..i havent watch that too
outdated already =.="
and i finally found my Popteen December issue
dont know how come Popteen Mag went missing for sometime
i couldnt find it anywhere
but Sis found Dec issue for me..
i will updated christmas present when i bought them
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