Today's program
what should i say
the previous participants some of them did not attend
guess they were scared of working..
Daph mei also did't came..
so only left me and becca and my lil sis and cousin
what should i say
the previous participants some of them did not attend
guess they were scared of working..
Daph mei also did't came..
so only left me and becca and my lil sis and cousin
play, play, PLAY
the whole day
and i'm satisfied this time..
it really is fun!!!
we played the game that called "mission impossible"
it's really cool!!
we were separate into 4 groups...
each of us have passport, visa and some money...
i had to draw picture of myself for my passport...
the immigration people, custom people really act seriously...
so it's kinda scary how they react so badly to us...
but actually they are nice...
just acting only..
we are actually Christian but we lied we weren't so they would let us go into the country
we got Death Penalty if we bought bible with us..
so we left our bible in the room...
lucky we thought of it earlier..
but i got caught because of my stupid passport pictures that looks alike like my friend's...
and i wrote something wrong in my passport which i just crossed it simply
so i got stuck
can't get through immigrations and i fail...
my other group friends have to move along without me and my friend...
sobx sobx...
the immigrations people is so bad!!!hate them took my passport!!!
just joking XD
my friend took this picture...
i had no idea why she took it..
it was nothing..
maybe she was just nervous as i am cause both of us did not have our passport
with us so we got kick out and we had to go back to where our passport got snatch away...
so it sounds fun right??
after that we went for lunch just right after we finish the game
i love the hot dog and the beef!!
most of all i LOVE HOT CHOCOLATE!!the one i'm craving for it for a long time
i'm glad and grateful this lunch!!
went back to our room...
have sometime spent with Christ in a quiet and dark room...
this was the 2nd time i really REALLY felt that God is right beside me!!!
1st time i felt was my confirmation at st joe's auditorium...
i told Him a lot of things that i so wanted to share with Him...
and only Him for He only understands me and know me better than anyone
it's was another best time i had
we were gathered outside of the room after that to a bigger hall...
where we sang [actually i dont really know the kinda noob]
then we got to write letters to God...
which we wrote which ever we want to and prayed through
MV Duolos will send us back the letters to us
so they not gonna read it and
so we glued them
i really hope God will grant what i wished in the letter
and that would be the most lovely things ever happen to me!!
Daddy and Mummy got their brand new baby car today too!!
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