i suppose to start the cleaning job right now...
is almost new year...there's a lot of things i need to clean up...
starting with my study table today...
i've not clean it for........
after my form 5...
i keep all my books away...
then come in form 6...
the books came back again...
Super messy right??
the high stack of books...cable and other stuff just scattered on my table
My iPod box just simply put it anywhere as long as there is space...my files...
some stationary in the plastic bags...
have no idea where to put...
just leave it there..
My IKEA table lamp...
i guess i just used it only a few times...let's say twice...
kinda dusty if you dont use them
Even my lil trophies collects dust...
the before and the after
i remember this lil cute thing...
once my daddy's clerk bought this for me on my birthday...
and i still keep it on my table till now..:)
My pencil holders are also in a mess...
everything i have just threw them in...
didn't bother if the pens are out of ink or what...
spider webs...
lolx...this mechanical pencil i never used it anyway...just put it aside for in case...
i dont need a new mechanical pencil frankly, i have been using my old black ones since primary 6 i think...or form1..??around that time...
i can used things for a long time...
so it shows that i'm a very caring person...which i used my stuff properly...and care for them..
i found my "Mo Pi"
didn't use it after my primary 3 i think...
when we use our "Mo Pi"???i cannot remember...
i threw it away anyway...dont need them anymore...
nobody would want to use mine cause of the "HEAD"...lolx!!
My compass...
miss using it so much!!!
i love to draw the circles, arc all that...
from the TALLEST tower[lolx!!] to the shortest building...
i should say shop houses..
My PA files...lolx...
i still have it...
Once my school PA teacher ask me if i dont want the files...i should give to her...
I, however keep them for myself...
i kinda miss Mr Tan, my acc tuition teacher's lesson...
he's kinda cute fat teacher, who sometimes can be really strict and funny too...
but overall he's a good teacher...
i still have the "Jurnal", "Lejar" and "Buku Tunai"
used during acc tuition and only that acc tuition...
check out all the exercises he ever gave...
tons of it...
every chapter is just practice, practice, practice...you'll never finish the work he gave...
he always standby some more works for those who finish their acc earlier in class...
and for those who did their work very slow...
they need to catch up anyhow..

it's nice to go his tuition classes...
i recommend those who are taking acc should go his tuition...
trust me...even though you hates him...
giving so much works...
the end you will THANK him LOTS because through all those exercises he gave...
surely there's one or two question will be out in your school exam and even SPM!!!!
and he organize the acc camp...
overnight with your friends in hotel [not that i mean those overnights you had with your friends during the hols all that..this kind of feeling was different]
and study with every ACC student,
getting fully ready just before SPM examination...
if you have read my blog all this while you will know about it..
it's on October, 2007...go read it if you haven't
for those who want to join his tuition
i still have his number...you can ask it from me...
My one and only music box...lolx..
Mum bought it for me long time ago...
i still keep it though...
the lil teddy will go round and round when the music is played...cute..
I even found my lucky stars...i'm not really good in folding those stars..so i just had a few that really looks like stars...lolx!!!
notice i have the "Jiang Si Dou"
collecting it when i was in primary...
you know..
lazy to pick them out...let it be..
i can keep it for memory...lolx..
I found my pictures...when i was lil with my sis...
lolx!!!we look adorable, arent we??
especially me of cause...
my sis agree...lolx!!!
we always wear the same clothes anyway we go...
both of us were really really good best friends...
but not now..
grown up already...things were different...
have different opinions, taste and attitude...
but we're good..she likes to disturb me...
call me fatty...
i'm quite fat right now..have to admit it..
My former school name tag...
i miss using them...always got caught by prefects not using them...lol!
My story...
written by ME...
i even call my friend to draw the character of my story...
nicely typed and in order...
the reason i wrote it actually i saw a TV ad...and shows...
some people wrote their story and send to them...
they would create the stories to a movies...
cool right...
i would like to see my story came out in movie type...
but i didn't manage to finish the story anyway...
just stop in the climates
just that thick
guess what...i found my SPM examination question papers...
i still have them...keeping them for my lil sis as reference when she needs it...
My SPM slip is still with me..lolx..threw it away already...dont need anymore!!
Web cam???
i think i dont need it since technology is getting more and more advanced
laptops already have it build in..
besides i'm not going overseas or what..[but i wish i can go]
just put it aside...
my form 1 KH kerja kursus... a lil stool
it's shaky...not balance...just a stupid KH project need to do to get some extra marks for exam...
still have our group names on it...spot mine...
i even found my autograph...
three of them...lolx!!!
used them to keep in touch with my primary friends,
jotting down all the personal details...
there's always stickers everywhere...
hey...those days there isn't anything much nicer to decorate just stickers...
i even had some teacher wrote some things in one of my autographs
these were the only things we use to decorate auto...
color pen, glitters, stickers, chops...
oh ya..
i found another autograph of mine...lolx..
a lot yea...
my sticker album...lolx..i still keep them in my drawer
now i'm wondering when should i use this stickers anyway...
i think....
i'll just keep them...
to refresh my memories or someday
i might show them to my children...

those days there's nothing much to play... so i have 2 Polly Pocket...
those friends we are in the same age..
we play this right..??
one of mine Polly Pockets is the Wedding Chapel..
lolx..only left the bride..i lost
the groom and the flower girl and the car ...
see the lil toy girl i circled...she belongs to my other Polly Pocket...
not here...
"Open Sesame!!"
kinda blur...
i found my primary 6 art work...
actually not done by me...Mummy did them...
i got an A+...teehee...
fake one...
lovely lil chops with cute design...
i'll keep them aside...just in case if any decoration i might need them..
i'm done with my drawers already...let's see..
i still have my primary magazine...not magazine actually...just book...
i can get contact with my old friends anytime...
in the yellow circle...
my daddy old English dictionary...he wants me to keep them...
oh wells..
let it be...
in the green circle..
the craving tools...
i remember my art teacher insisted everyone must have one...
craving flowers from wood...you can imagine the works sucks...
stupid teacher...
i hate it...
remember my tie...
just left it on my table i hung it with a lil hanger...
i'm DONE!!!
i know doesn't seems a lot different but there is something different
there's no
i'm exhausted already...
didn't manage have the time to help Mummy clean the kitchen
but will do it when i'm free anyway...
signing out...