Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Home sweet Home

so i had promise you guys im gonna post about my new home
i know it keeps you waiting
i just take all of this pics from Mummy
as she took it to email to my Aunt(at Sabah)
here is it
my house start from the back
Hugo and Lion got their new house too...=)
but both of them still not get used to it
cause they always stick together
now they have their own cage
the side garden...this was taken before the dogs' cages were done

walking back to the front
the front lil garden
lets go into the house
this will be the 1st thing you see when you are going in
on the other side
the living room
beside is dining
see the door there
that's study room
nothing much inside just tables and books
to the back
dry kitchen
just got IKEA dining table few days ago
Mummy says it's convenient to eat here if there is guests
to the wet kitchen
that is where Daddy extend the house

lets go up!!
the old piano
and our family portrait
it was taken when i was only 12!
the other side
Lil sis was playing sims that time

Room 1
my Big Sis room

Room 2
My Lil Sis shared with me the same room
my bed (left) Lil sis (right)
our bathroom
it's nothing
lets go

Master bedroom!

yea..the bed..LOL

Daddy's wadrobe
starting here all are Mummy's clothes
a lot right??
dressing table and Mummy's wadrobe
her bathroom

and so that was it!
what do you think??
i love it anyway!



Lorna Liew said...

ur house is super duper nice, Grace! me super love it ler...(: shud have drop by there someday. teehee ;p

gracielicious said... come CNY u din jie jie gt call u come le..

Lorna Liew said...

yup, she did called me up but no "kaki" ler.. :p nvm, i'll drop by there by chance. LOL..