Dine got me something from KL
so kind of her
still remember to buy me something
she got me Girls' Keychain
which goes with my pencil case
and yummys, yummys strawberry white chocolateyou can smell the strawberry from far already...
thanks Dine!!!
i hadn't show you guys my classroom yet
since the after painting job done
here are some pictures i took early in the morning
one side pink, one side blueyou can see that
the arrow pointing is where i sit
Priscilla, always the early bird
our small whiteboard, where we put reminders and homeworksOHP Projector, we used it always
Lauren brought the cherry blossom to decorate the classroom
Pictures of different places behind the teacher's tablei love this part the most
Lauren decorated something by the windows sidewhich is better than nothing is there
Birthday Babies of U6D classi did this
something really simple

Our classroom's aquarium
the water is blur
there's only two fish inside btw
i ain't complaining about it though i didn't like the fish cause they are not the
"fat type" goldfish
and the tank .... , the water... ,
cause Putra is the one who brought the fishes so........
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Our discussion tablemost of them done by Putra
lucky me have him to help out classroom stuff
no one would want to put that much effort to decorate the classroom since it's already our last year
all are just simple
gonna put up some motto in our classroom on the higher part of the walls this week
Keceriaan class competition start in coming Monday
get things done quickly,
make sure our class wont lose
i hope so