i'm sorry for not updating my blog recently...
i am just too lazy to type something in it...
and yea..
i am lazy also to do my last revision for my coming exam..
there's tons of revision i need to do...
i have to remember all the things through every chapter expecially my Sejarah and Business...
but i can't remember any of it...and i still dreaming away as usual with the book in front of me and always stays in the same page...
God please make me more concentrate and remember all those boring+many words and sentences+charts+steps chapters that i really need to memorise all of them if only i can remember it all...sheesh!!
bought Popteen September issue yesterday
never miss to buy it =]
Daddy's old laptop condemn so suddenly that he need to buy a new one so he can do his work...
i am just too lazy to type something in it...
and yea..
i am lazy also to do my last revision for my coming exam..
there's tons of revision i need to do...
i have to remember all the things through every chapter expecially my Sejarah and Business...
but i can't remember any of it...and i still dreaming away as usual with the book in front of me and always stays in the same page...
God please make me more concentrate and remember all those boring+many words and sentences+charts+steps chapters that i really need to memorise all of them if only i can remember it all...sheesh!!
never miss to buy it =]
Daddy's old laptop condemn so suddenly that he need to buy a new one so he can do his work...
as most of my friends have their own laptop and i didn't have one...
and of cause i wanted the white iMac everyone would prefers iMac
Mummy promise will get me one as soon i finish off my f6...
but not iMac she says laptops kept on updating...
and iMac will be outdated very fast...
oh wells....
i just wish i had one but i wont ask for one as i only need a simple laptop that just enough for my studies...
Pass my Birthday counting almost a month already...
change my ic picture
most of my friends say the look still the same...
still ugly myself...